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作者: wz          发布日期:2010-11-02     浏览次数:



Abstract: This talk is an attempt to give a personal account of the methods of biomathematical problem solving. In traditional methods, when dealing with complex biomathematical problems, the first step one should take concerning the simplest biomathematical model. We consider the simple cases before trying something more complicated. Then we select, in a step-wise fashion, simple and more complex cases. In this way, it becomes possible to express a complex biomathematical model. Biomathematical problem solving is an integral part of all biomathematical methods. Rather, biomathematical problem solving should involve all content areas, numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability.
Good biomathematical problem solvers tend naturally to analyze situations carefully in biomathematical terms and to properly pose problems based on particular situations. But, according to the traditional historical methods of biomathematical problem solving from complex to simple of other ones, they usually consider all cases that could occur first. And then they try their best to reduce them and find the simplest biomathematical model. For simple basic biomathematical models this will not be a problem, but for more complex biomathematical models it is mostly recommended to understand in which way a complex case is translated towards the final biomathematical model. It is hard for us to the analytical biomathematical model for the complex problem, because of the complexity of combinations.