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Entire Solutions in Nonlocal Dispersal Equations

作者: wz          发布日期:2010-11-02     浏览次数:



Applied mathematics and statistics are very important and scientific tools used in social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medical and biological sciences, economics and finance, and many other fields in colleges from our university. The purpose of this international conference is to establish cooperation and collaboration between researchers in applied mathematics and statistics from Northwest A and F University and worldwide well-known professors, experts, and researchers. Several professors and experts from domestics and aboard will be invited to deliver colloquium talks, conduct research projects with researchers from our applied and statistics group as well as other related areas.
报告题目: Entire Solutions in Nonlocal Dispersal Equations
报告摘要: We consider entire solutions of nonlocal dispersal equations with monostable and bistable nonlinearity in one-dimensional spatial domain. For the monostable case, we build four manifolds of solutions: One is 5-dimensional, one is 4-dimensional, and two are 3-dimensional. Some of these new solutions are obtained by considering two traveling waves that come from both sides of the real axis and mix. Furthermore, the traveling-wave solutions are on the boundary of these four manifolds. For the bistable case, a two-dimensional manifold of entire solutions which behave as two traveling wave solutions coming from both directions is established by an increasing traveling wave front with nonzero wave speed. Furthermore, we show that such an entire solution is unique up to space–time translations and Liapunov stable. A key idea is to characterize the asymptotic behaviors of the solutions as $t\to -\infty$ in terms of appropriate subsolutions and supersolutions. We have to emphasize that a lack of regularizing effect occurs (joint with Yu-Juan Sun and Zhi-Cheng Wang).
报告时间:2011年7月9日 星期六 下午3:00-4:00
报告人简介李万同,教授,博士,博士导师。现任兰州大学数学与统计学院萃英特聘教授,应用数学和基础数学专业博士生导师,兰州大学数学与统计学院副院长、应用数学研究所所长,甘肃省数学会副理事长兼学术委员会主任,《International Journal of Difference Equations》、《Applied Mathematics E-Notes》等7种国际杂志编委,美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员,欧洲数学会《数学评论》(Z. Math.)评论员,先后出访美国等国家和地区。主要在非线性微分方程和动力系统领域开展研究工作,发表论文200余篇,并在国际著名的Marcel Dekker出版社作为《纯粹数学与应用数学专著系列第267卷》出版专著一部。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项、省部级项目16项。主持完成的项目《非线性时滞微分方程理论及应用》2007年获甘肃省自然科学一等奖、《非线性分析理论及应用》2003年获甘肃省科技进步二等奖、《非线性时滞微分方程的泛函方法》2004年获甘肃省科技进步三等奖、《非线性时滞微分差分方程理论研究》2001年获甘肃省科技进步三等奖。先后获得国务院政府特殊津贴(2004年)、教育部宝钢教育基金会优秀教师奖(2004年)、教育部第二届百名优秀青年教师奖(2001年),第五届甘肃省青年科技奖(2006年)、甘肃省优秀专家(2001年,甘肃省人民政府),甘肃省333科技人才工程第一层次首批入选人员(1998年),甘肃省555创新人才工程第一层次首批入选人员(2002年),甘肃省优秀青年(1995年),甘肃省青年教师成才奖(1996年)等20余项荣誉称号和奖励。