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Borylation of C-H and C-X Bonds

作者: wz          发布日期:2010-11-02     浏览次数:



人:Prof. Todd B. Marder (德国Wuerzburg大学,教授)
报告题目:Transition Metal Catalysed Borylation of C-H and C-X Bonds
报告时间:2012418日下午16 : 00
Todd B. Marder教授简介
1981 Ph.D.     University of California, USA
1993– 1997  Professor of University of Waterloo, Canada.
1997– 2011  Professor of University of Durham
(杜伦大学), England.     
2011–             Professor of Wuerzburg University (维尔茨堡大学,化学系主任)German

Todd B. Marder
教授是国际著名金属有机化学家,在有机硼的合成以及利用有机硼在药物,材料合成等方面做出突出的工作。担任美国化学会ACS<Organometallics><Journal of Organometallic Chemistry>, <Inorganic Chemistry >等期刊的编委。被国际著名期刊<Angewandte Chemie International Edition>, <Chem. Mater.>等多次邀请发表综述。
Research interests:
Organometallic chemistry and its applications to homogeneous catalysis and the synthesis of medication; metal-boron and organoboron chemistry (including metal catalyzed borylations processes, C-H bond functionalization, chemistry of diboronsystems, and optical materials based on organoboranes); conjugated organic, organo-main group and organometallic materials and studies of their linear and nonlinear optical properties, liquid crystal; crystal engineering (especially via fluoroarene-arene interactions or CH…X hydrogen bonding).
