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作者:         发布日期:2024-08-15     浏览次数:



一. 基本信息





2023年1月至今在云顶国际唯一官方网站工作。现任中国仿真学会智能优化与调度专委会委员,中国人工智能学会会员,中国计算机学会会员,受邀担任IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation,IEEE Internet of Things Journal,IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence,  IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Information Sciences, Knowledge-Based Systems,Applied Soft Computing, Complex & Intelligent Systems, Memetic Computing等二十余个期刊审稿人。

二. 研究方向


1. 人工智能大模型奖励建模及在数字农业中的应用研究;

2. 基于深度神经网络和时间序列预测的智能优化算法研究;

3. 基于知识迁移和隐私保护的演化联邦学习算法研究;

4. 基于概率模型的分布式无梯度优化算法研究。

三. 承担课程


四. 学术成果


[1] 2024-01—2026-12 陕西省自然科学基金,青年项目,主持;

[2] 2023-04—2026-04 云顶国际唯一官方网站博士科研启动费,主持;

[3] 2023-01—2026-12 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,参与。


近年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在国内外权威期刊发表学术论文20余篇,其中IEEE会刊7篇,中科院1区8篇,Top 期刊 8篇。代表性学术论文目录:  

(1) Qianlong Dang, Shuai Yang, Qiqi Liu, Junhu Ruan. Adaptive and Communication-Efficient Zeroth-order Optimization for Distributed Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024. (IEEE会刊,中科院一区, Top期刊, IF:10.6)

(2) Qianlong Dang, Guanghui Zhang, Ling Wang, Shuai Yang, Tao Zhan. Hybrid IoT Device Selection With Knowledge Transfer for Federated Learning. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(7): 12216-12227. (IEEE会刊,中科院一区, Top期刊, IF:10.6)

(3) Qianlong Dang, Guanghui Zhang, Ling Wang, Shuai Yang, Tao Zhan. A Generative Adversarial Networks Model based Evolutionary Algorithm for Multimodal Multi-Objective Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024. (IEEE会刊,中科院二区, IF:5.3)

(4) Shuai Yang, Tingting Jiang, Qianlong Dang*, Lichuan Gu, Xindong Wu. Stable Learning via Triplex Learning. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024. (IEEE会刊, 人工智能领域顶尖期刊)

(5) Tao Zhan, Qianlong Dang, Yuanyuan Zhu. Neighborhood Difference-Based Self-Supervised Network for Detecting Small Changes from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2024. (IEEE会刊, 中科院二区, IF:4)

(6) Shuai Yang, Xin Li, Minzhi Wu, Qianlong Dang, and Lichuan Gu. Stable Learning via Dual Feature Learning. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2024. (IEEE会刊, 中科院二区, IF:7.5)

(7) Guanghui Zhang, Juan Wang, Qianlong Dang*, Ling Wang, Chenxin Dong. Knowledge Transfer Driven Distributed Memetic Architecture and Algorithm for Distributed Differentiation Flowshop Integrated Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2024. (IEEE会刊, 中科院一区, Top期刊, IF:16.497)

(8) Qianlong Dang, Weifeng Gao, Maoguo Gong. An Efficient Mixture Sampling Model for Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm. Information Sciences, 2022, 608: 1157-1182. (中科院一区, Top 期刊,影响因子:8.233)

(9) Qianlong Dang, Weifeng Gao, Maoguo Gong, Shuai Yang. Multiobjective Multitasking Optimization Based on Positive Knowledge Transfer Mechanism. Information Sciences, 2022, 612: 322-343. (中科院一区, Top 期刊,影响因子:8.233)

(10) Qianlong Dang. Multiple Dynamic Penalties based on Decomposition for Constrained Optimization. Expert System with Applications, 2022, 206: 117820. (中科院一区, Top 期刊,影响因子:8.665)

(11) Qianlong Dang, Jiawei Yuan. A Kalman Filter-Based Prediction Strategy for Multiobjective Multitasking Optimization. Expert System with Applications, 2023, 119025. (中科院一区, Top 期刊,影响因子:8.665)

(12) Weifeng Gao, Qianlong Dang*, Maoguo Gong. An Adaptive Framework to Select the Coordinate Systems for Evolutionary Algorithms. Applied Soft Computing, 2022: 109585. (中科院一区, Top 期刊,影响因子:8.263)

(13) Qianlong Dang, Weifeng Gao, Maoguo Gong. Multiobjective Multitasking Optimization Assisted by Multidirectional Prediction Method. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 2022, 8(2): 1663-1679. (中科院二区, IF:6.000)

(14) Qianlong Dang, Weifeng Gao, Maoguo Gong. Dual Transfer Learning with Generative Filtering for Multiobjective Multitasking Optimization. Memetic Computing, 2022: 1-27. (中科院二区, IF:5.300)

(15) Qianlong Dang, Wei Xu, Yangfei Yuan. A Dynamic Resource Allocation Strategy with Reinforcement Learning for Multimodal Multi-objective Optimization. Machine Intelligence Research, 2022, 19(2): 138-152. (IF:6.4,中国卓越期刊)

(16) Hua Ma, Qianlong Dang*, Jianfeng Wang, Zhenhua Liu. Efficient Ciphertext Deduplication and Auditing Scheme with Attribute-based Encryption. 电子与信息学报, 2019, 41(2): 355-361. (IF:1.87,电子信息领域顶级期刊)

(17) Qianlong Dang, Ying Xie, Donghao Li, Gongcheng Hu. Updatable Block-Level Deduplication of Encrypted Data with Efficient Auditing in Cloud Storage. The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, 2020, 26(3): 56. (IF:0.25, 信息通信领域高质量科技期刊)     

(18) Qianlong Dang, Hua Ma, Zhenhua Liu, Ying Xie. Secure and Efficient Client-Side Data Deduplication with Public Auditing in Cloud Storage. International Journal of Network Security, 2020, 22(3): 460-473. (IF:1.650)  

(19) Tao Zhan, Jiarong Bian, Jing Yang, Qianlong Dang, Erlei Zhang. (2023, October). Improved Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for SAR-to-Optical Image Translation. In Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV) , 2023, pp. 279-291. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

(20) Wei Xu, Weifeng Gao, Qianlong Dang. A Decomposition-Based Harmony Search Algorithm for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2022, 2022(1): 8948729. (中科院四区, IF:1.457)

(21) Yangfei Yuan, Qianlong Dang, Wei Xu, Lingling Liu, Yuting Luo. Dynamic Penalty Function Method for Constrained Optimization Problem. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2022, 58(04): 83-90.



(1) 党乾龙等. 一种基于物联网技术的农业水资源管理和调度系统[P]. 中国,发明专利,申请号:2024109450820,2024 (已受理).

(2) 党乾龙等. 一种在演化多任务中实现高效迁移的知识预测方法[P]. 中国,发明专利,申请号:202411006502.5,2024 (已受理).

(3) 党乾龙等. 一种面向黑盒问题的分布式零阶随机梯度下降优化系统[P]. 中国,发明专利,申请号:202411052315.0,2024 (已受理).

(4) 党乾龙等. 一种基于深度强化学习实现自适应演化算子选择的方法[P]. 中国,发明专利,申请号:202410945084.X,2024 (已受理).

五. 指导学生情况













六. 获奖及荣誉





七. 联系方式



E-mail: xidianqldang@163.com                 邮编:712100