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作者:           发布日期:2020-09-01     浏览次数:





2012年09月毕业于英国Robert Gordon University大学计算机学院,获得哲学博士学位.








1. 吴养会,郑立飞,解小莉,农林院校数学学科竞赛组织模式改革与实践. 黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估) [J]. 2020(3):72-74.

2. 吴养会,解迎革,解小莉等. “双一流”背景下高等农林院校数理学科基层教学组织建设的探索.中国林业教育[J]. 2019(3):26-30.

3. 吴养会,解迎革,解小莉等. 农林院校数理学科教学团队组建模式创新与实践[J]. 中国农业教育. 2019(1):43-50.


1. 高等数学基础,云顶国际唯一官方网站出版社,2019年.

2. 高等数学,中国农业出版社,2018年.


1. 2019年云顶国际唯一官方网站校级规划教材(高等数学基础)建设项目:2019.05-2020.07.

2. 2018年中华农业科教基金项目“农业院校民族预科生高等数学课程教材建设研究(NKJ201802013)” 2019.01-2021.12.

3. 2017年陕西省高等教育教学改革研究项目“创新以教学团队为核心的基层教学组织体系,提升大学基础课教学质量(17BY013)”2017.09-2019.09.

4. 2015年云顶国际唯一官方网站教学改革项目“高等数学课程国内外优质资源共享模式探索与研究”2015.09-2017.09.


1. Jing Yang, Yingpeng Hu, Kaixi Zhang, Yanghui Wu*,An improved evolution algorithm using population competition genetic algorithm and self-correction BP neural network based on fitness landscape, SOFT COMPUTING. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-020-05250-7.

2. Zheng, Huan; Wu,Yanghui*,A XGBoost Model with Weather Similarity Analysis and Feature Engineering for Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,DOI: 10.3390/app9153019,2019.

3. Hu, Yingpeng; Zhang, Kaixi; Yang, Jing;Wu,Yanghui*, Application of Hierarchical Facility Location-Routing Problem with Optimization of an Underground Logistic System: A Case Study in China,MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING. DOI: 10.1155/2018/7235048.

4. Li,ChenLi, Guoyang; Wu, Yanghui*, Performance analysis with topological node ordering to Bayesian network structures learning problem, ICIC Express Letters, V10(8), p1801-1806,2016.

5. Yanghui Wu and Lifei Zheng, Analysis with Topological node Ordering on Bayesian Structure Model, ICIC Express Letters, V9(9), 2015.

6. Yanghui Wu,Yaxiang Liu, Empirical Evaluation of Bee Colony Optimization for Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICIC) Express Letters, 2014(12). P3393-3399.

7. Yanghui Wu, Yaxiang Liu, Qin Yu, Jianchao Luo, Analysis with Bayesian Network structure on Financial Data, Journal of Computational Information System, 10(19), 2014. P. 8405-8412

8. Yanghui Wu, John A. W. McCall, David Corne and Olivier Regnier-Coudert: Landscape Analysis for Hyperheuristic Bayesian Network Structure Learning on Unseen Problems. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2012.

9. Yanghui Wu, John A. W. McCall, David W. Corne: Fitness Landscape Analysis of Bayesian Network Structure Learning. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation,981–988, New Orleans,2011.

10. Yanghui Wu, John A. W. McCall, David W. Corne: Two Novel Ant Colony Optimization Approaches for Bayesian Network Structure Learning. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2010: 1-7.

11. Yanghui Wu, John A. W. McCall, David Corne: Comparative Analysis of Search and Score Metaheuristics for Bayesian Network Structure Learning Using Node Juxtaposition Distributions. New York: Springer. PPSN (1) 2010: 424-433.




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